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Chip making computers 20 times faster unveiled
Scientists have created an ultra-fast computer chip which is 20 times faster than current desktop computers, the Daily Mail reported Tuesday.

Modern PCs have a processor with two, four or sometimes 16 cores to carry out tasks.

But the central processing unit (CPU) developed by the researchers effectively had 1,000 cores on a single chip.

The chip developed by the researchers was able to process around five gigabytes of data per second in testing ― making it approximately 20 times faster than modern computers, it said.

The developments could usher in a new age of high-speed computing in the next few years for home users frustrated with slow-running systems, the daily said.

And the new 'super' computer is much greener than modern machines ― using far less power ― despite its high speed.

Scientists used a chip called a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) which like all microchips contains millions of transistors - the tiny on-off switches which are the foundation of any electronic circuit.

But FPGAs can be configured into specific circuits by the user, rather than their function being set at a factory.

This enabled the team to divide up the transistors within the chip into small groups and ask each to perform a different task.

By creating more than 1,000 mini-circuits within the FPGA chip, the researchers effectively turned the chip into a 1,000-core processor ― each core working on its own instructions.

The chip was able to process around five gigabytes of data per second in testing ― making it approximately 20 times faster than modern computers.

The team was led by Dr Wim Vanderbauwhede, of the University of Glasgow, and colleagues at the University of Massachusetts Lowell.

While most computers sold today now contain more than one processing core, which allows them to carry out different processes simultaneously, traditional multi-core processors must share access to one memory source, which slows the system down.

The research scientists were able to make the processor faster by giving each core a certain amount of dedicated memory.

The chip developed by the researchers was able to process around five gigabytes of data per second in testing - making it approximately 20 times faster than modern computers

“I believe these kinds of processors will only become more common and help to speed up computers even further over the next few years,” Vanderbauwhede said

He hopes to present his research at the International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing in March next year.

"20배 빠른 초고속컴퓨터칩 개발"

기존 데스크톱보다 처리속도가 20배 빠른 컴퓨터칩이 개발돼 수년내 상용화를 앞두고 있다고 영국 데일리 메일이 28일(현지시간) 보도했다.

영국 글래스고 대학과 미국 매사추세츠대학 로웰캠퍼스 연구팀은 1천개의 코어(Core)가 작동하는 컴퓨터의 중앙처리장치(CPU)를 최근 만들어냈다.

기존 데스크톱 CPU의 코어는 대개 1개로, 최신 제품의 경우 2~16개를 장착한다.

새로운 칩 개발 완료로 CPU의 처리속도는 초당 약 5기가바이트로, 약 20배 빨라진다고 연구팀은 설명했다.

연구팀은 이 칩에 대한 연구 결과를 내년 3월에 발표한 후 향후 몇 년 안에 상용화한다는 전략을 세워두고 있다.

이 칩은 전력소모량도 기존 칩보다 적어 환경 친화적이라는 평가도 받는다.

연구팀은 이 칩을 개발하는 데 반도체에 여러 번 회로를 새겨 넣을 수 있는 기술인 ’FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array)’를 적용했다.

이를 통해 칩 안의 트랜지스터를 여러 구획으로 세분화해 각각의 작업을 수행할 수 있도록 했다.

특히 해당 구획 안에 1천여개의 미니회로를 만들어 각각의 코어가 서로 다른 지침에 따라 움직일 수 있도록 했다.

기존 멀티코어 PC는 1개의 메모리를 분담해 사용하는 과정에서 속도가 느려졌지만 새 칩은 코어마다 각각의 전담 메모리를 할당해 속도 향상 유인을 제공했다.


Lhagva said...

Uu gej bgaag ni solongosoor medex yum alga

Jamts Dash said...

Танай Моку хотын талаар, тэнд байгаа монголчуудын талаар энд бичвэл хүмүүст мэдээж сонирхолтой байх болно. Танай хотод ажиллаж амьдарч байгаа монголчууд тэдний ах дүү нараас эхлээд бүгд л орж үздэг болох байх...

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